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Rodric Johnson, Educator, Writer & Public Administrator!

Rodric Johnson's Bio:

Rodric Johnson obtained his bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in education from the University of Phoenix where he also worked for two years fully dedicated to the ideas and mission of that organization. Rodric participated in project management in business, education and a non-profit capacity and managed or participated in a managing capacity of multiple groups in the business and , education fields. Rodric has excelled in the sales and customer relations categories receiving recognition as a top seller in the South Western region. He has also participated in graduate studies where his leadership and collaboration has earned him the trust of peers and valuable experience as a team builder and manager. Rodric completed a master project in adult education to influence that market and contribute to the understanding of the adult learner's experience in education.

Rodric Johnson's Experience:

Rodric Johnson's Education:

Rodric Johnson's Interests & Activities:

Writing (blogging mostly) fiction and non-fiction literature, Teaching both children and adults voluntarily--religious and non-religious curriculum, Singing in organized choirs and productions, Research projects involving Philosophical and Psychological Theories, Political Science, Educational Development in Adult Learners, Home decor, Visual Critiquing and Rating, Family Development and Relationship Improvement, Health and Wellness, Body Building (spectator) and the Human Form, Exploring Artistic Forms (Reading, listening to music and singing), Jazz, Blues, Classic Rock, Traditional Rhythm and Blues and Pop (all types), Negor Spirtuals and Gospel Music (popular and traditional), Hymns, European / American Folk Music, Dance (spectator) -- Ball Room and Pop, USA Hisotry, Social Time with Family and Friends

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